
023 882213 / 010 882213


The use of closed circuit television to detect crime and enhance public safety is increasingly recognized as an effective way to provide surveillance for your office. The CCTV surveillance system provides an extra layer of protection as the presence of security cameras would typically deter burglars and vandal from acting.

It also puts you in control as you would know who is responsible should anything go wrong. Recorded images and digitally signed with date and time and can be easily retrieved to help you identity culprits. Phoenix specializes in providing CCTV systems which meet the requirements of a variety of property types, such as retail premises, educational establishments, industrial sites and offices.

Besides enhancing the security of your premises, the CCTV surveillance system lets you keep tabs on what’s happening:

  • Monitor customer traffic- with better knowledge of the peaks and lulls in a day, you can roster your staff more effectively, optimizing your resources.
  • Observe customers’ buying behavior-adjust your store layout and product displays accordingly to encourage browsing and purchases.
  • Monitor staff behavior-assure yourself that your staffs are consistently delivering good customer service.

Besides enhancing the security of your premises, the CCTV surveillance system lets you keep tabs on what’s happening:

  • Monitor customer traffic- with better knowledge of the peaks and lulls in a day, you can roster your staff more effectively, optimizing your resources.
  • Observe customers’ buying behavior-adjust your store layout and product displays accordingly to encourage browsing and purchases.
  • Monitor staff behavior-assure yourself that your staffs are consistently delivering good customer service.

With Phoenix Security to take care of your security needs, you can put your mind at ease and channel your efforts into managing your business. Should you have any more enquiries, do give us a call at 023 882 213 or visit our website Let us determine your security needs and customize a solution for your business, according to your requirements and budget.